Are you truly aware of what you want & why you want it? — don’t just pass by, but taste this question.
I bet, that in 95% cases destination is undefined — you simply don’t know what you exactly need. There is no literally detailed picture before your inner glance. The rest 5% pretend to be easy, as they are mostly primitive desires like visit a bathroom or eat something… but apple or banana after all?
Let me ask you to determine two abstract categories, familiar to all of us since our early childhood (probably the first things we learn — basic essentials), — GOOD & BAD. Without much thinking give me your personal definitions, correlated to reality, not just broad terms. You are stuck, aren’t you? So what amount of consciousness really exists in our lives?
My mom (she is 64!) tends to complain about depression & anxiety almost every day, so I asked her recently “What do you want in this life, what could make you happy?”, and that’s what I’ve got as an answer “I just want everything and everybody to be good”. My next reasonable question stumped her: “What your personal “good” is — how this state feels, looks, smells for you?” Silence & thoughtful glance in response.
I myself always wanted “perfect healthy body”, so I spent years, working on it till exhaustion, experimenting with fancy diets and restrictions always feeling disappointment at the end.
I did SOMETHING, I got SOMETHING, chasing undefined ideal instead of taking a moment of silence, analyzing what is important for me & thereby creating my personalized philosopher’s stone.
Another example is my friend, who answered the same question I asked my mom, like “I would love to have my refrigerator constantly full!” Sounds specific, right? But I just wondered “What do you mean, dude, as I don’t see empty spaces in your fridge & freezer every time I visit you, what you missing?” Pause.
We all don’t determine our success at the starting line. We don’t determine our stop point, our top of the mountain, our golden fleece, you name it.
My mom now realizes, that she particularly wants her own mother to stay healthy & sane in her 80es, so she controls her medical check-ups & sleeps well. I realize, that i just want to keep certain weight & stay functionally developed for everyday life instead of being jacked cause i’m not gonna compete, plus I’ve always missed another equally important sides of the triangle — mental & spiritual development, so now I work on three of them daily. My friend got the epiphany that he just wanted to add a prosciutto & blue cheese in his life. You got my line? Order with accuracy, otherwise you risk to end up chasing the mirage.
Here is the task, for you & for me: verify your desires & answer the right questions — what & why (& will that matter in, let’s say, 10–20 years later?). If I don’t know what, I don’t have the right plan & the best tools. If I don’t know why, I will never get them.
Dream big, but don’t forget to be (mate)realistic just because you still plan to make your dream come true in this (mate)real world. Clay needs to be shaped before you burn it, otherwise it’s just a useless chunk of mud.